About Me

I am a master student in the School of Artificial Intelligence at Xidian University, and major in Computer Science at IPIU.
My advisor is Licheng Jiao (IEEE Fellow, Fellow of Academia Europaea, CCF Fellow, CAAI Fellow, ...).
I spoke at the commencement ceremony as a graduate student representative.
I'm currently working on :
(1) generative diffusion model --- text-to-image generation, rectified flow(flow matching).
(2) graph theory, hypergraph theory, graph neural network, hypergraph neural network.
(3) video-text tasks --- video question answering, video caption, video-text retrieval, multi-modal transformer.


(1) Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2) Reviewer of NeurIPS 2022 (3) Reviewer of ICML 2022


Zhicheng Guo, Jiaxuan Zhao, Licheng Jiao, Xu Liu, Lingling Li
Accepted to ACL 2021

Zhicheng Guo, Jiaxuan Zhao, Licheng Jiao, Xu Liu, Fang Liu
Accepted to TMM 2021 (IEEE Transactions on Multimedia)

Zixiao Zhang, Licheng Jiao, Lingling Li, Xu Liu, Puhua Chen, Fang Liu, Zhicheng Guo
Accepted to TGRS 2023 (IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing)

Haoran Peng, He Huang, Li Xu, Tianjiao Li, Jun Liu, Hossein Rahmani, Qiuhong Ke, Zhicheng Guo, Cong Wu, Rongchang Li, Mang Ye, Jiahao Wang, Jiaxu Zhang, Yuanzhong Liu, Tao He, Fuwei Zhang, Xianbin Liu, Tao Lin
Accepted to ICCV 2021 Workshop

AI Competitions

Task: Track-1 & video question answering
I won the 1st place as the first author.

Task: chart question answering
I won the 2nd place as the first author.

Task: Track 2 & remote sensing image question answering
I won the 1st and 2nd place as the adviser.

Task: visual question answering
I won the 2nd place as the first author.

Task: movie question answering
I won the 2nd place as the first author.

Programming Competitions

Among 4132 teams, our global rank is 153 , and country rank is 39.
I'm the first author of this 24-hour programming competition.
I won the Bronze Medal as the first author.
I won the Bronze Medal as the first author.
I won the national third prize as the first author.
I won the Bronze Medal as the first author.
I won the Bronze Medal as the first author.

Math Competitions

I won the national second prize in China as the first author.
I'm the Meritorious Winner as the first author.
I won the Second Prize of Sichuan Province.


Baidu, Baidu Campus Elite Club (2020.2 - 2021.5)

As a member of the club, I set questions for programming competitions.

Captain of ACM-ICPC Competition Team (2017.6 - 2019.6)

[Photograph 1] [Photograph 2] [Photograph 3]
During my undergraduate period, I formed the school's ACM-ICPC competition team.
As the team leader, I guided my classmates to participate in various programming competitions.
And I built the Online Judge (OJ) of my school.


A brief tutorial on artificial intelligence experiments
I participated in writing this book.
And I was responsible for the chapter on image super-resolution.
This book is now available for purchase on JD.com.

(PS: Many other projects are not mentioned.)


  • Coding: C++, Python, MATLAB, CUDA, PyTorch
  • Others: Ubuntu, Latex, Git, Docker

  • All rights reserved & Last update on Feb, 2023